Die Serie "Musique facil pour 4 Guitares" ist eine Innovation des Verlages "Les Productions d'Oz". In dieser Serie werden einfache Gitarrenquartette mit Musik aus aller Welt veröffentlicht.
Diese Stücke eignen sich hervorragend für junge Gitarrenensembles. Als Konzertstücke bilden sie einen bunten Blumenstrauss von Musik aus aller Welt.
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Cadineasca Arr. by Jürg Kindle
Derek Hasted, Classical Guitar Magazine
This is another from the series “Easy Music for 4 Guitars”. One man’s “easy” is another man’s “gulp” because this Romanian piece is set in 3/8+3/16 time. The parts with constant semiquavers (16th notes) have a straight-forward time dividing each bar into three twos and a three, but the bass line in particular is playing as if he has four and half beats in the bar.
(...) It’s a nice piece, modulating from D minor to D major but staying primarily round the dominant for the large half of each bar. The minor section makes great atmosphere of the augmented second at the top of the harmonic scale, and the tune and second line shadow each other an octave or a sixth part, weaving capriciously’ and remorselessly up and down the scale.
(...) In the hands of, let’s say an intermediate and confident ensemble, this music has potential. That potential has to be sought, nurtured and allowed to blossom, but then we have a piece that has energy, passion, fire and a captivating rhythm that will cause beads of sweat on the brows of listener and player alike.
Don’t get me wrong - it’s not difficult. It’s just that It’s not easy. Nothing wrong with that, and I recommend the piece to those who don’t wilt when reading the list of techniques we need.
Musique facile pour 4 guitares "Cadineasca"
Les Productions d' OZ Québec
DZ 1317
4 Seiten
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