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G.I. Gurdjieff

Asian Songs and Rhythms - Music of the Sayyids and Dervishes

Jürg Kindle : Classical Guitars, Bass, 12 string-Guitar, Bouzouki, Mandolin, Synthesizers, Percussion

G.I.Gurdjieff (1877-1949) war einer der bedeutendsten Mystiker und spiritueller Lehrer des frühen 20 .Jahrhunderts.Er stammte aus dem Kaukasus und unternahm ausgedehnte Reisen zu den Wahrheitssuchern Zentralasiens und des Himalaya. Zu den wichtigsten Inspirationsquellen Gurdjieffs gehörten seine Sufi-Lehrer. Berühmt wurde Gurdjieff vor allem als Entdecker des Enneagramms für den Westen. Er verstand sich auch als Tanzlehrer und seine Choreographien (Mouvements) werden bis heute in kleinen Kreisen weitergepflegt.

Als Grundlage für meine Interpretation dienten mir Melodien, welche Gurdjieff seinem Schüler und Komponisten Thomas de Hartmann vorspielte und welcher diese aufnotierte und harmonisierte. Diese unveröffentlichten Aufnahmen sind nach langjähriger Beschäftigung mit der Lehre von G.I. Gurdjieff und seiner Musik in Eigenproduktion entstanden.


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New Guitar Quartets


all scores available at                                www.editionkalimba.ch

listen to the full album                               open.spotify.com/album/4IlYxQFZOI6Chh1OO7mQYR

download album                                         jrgkindle.bandcamp.com/album/new-guitar-quartets


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Mandopolis 12 scordatura fantasies for mandolin solo

composed by Jürg Kindle / Annika Hinsche, mandolin

playing time 71 minutes

Order CD 

Digital download

Buy the score (Books or PDF available)

download free Booklet for all informations in german and english at the bottom of the audio samples


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Blackwood for Violin and Guitar Orchestra - Jürg Kindle

World Premiere in Hersbruck Germany 17. August 2017 at the international Guitarfestival

Violin -Doris Orsan

Festival Guitar Orchestra conducted by Jürg Kindle

Photographer Frank Bertram

Recording Bane Vejnovic / Mastering Jürg Kindle

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Jürg Kindle "The Guitar Quartets" CD by "Eos Guitar Quartet"


Jürg Kindle meets Eos Guitar Quartet 

Twenty quartets for four guitars have been written in the last  15 years. Kalimba has already achieved   the status of a concert hit and today belongs to the established repertoire of a guitar quartet. For my CD project I thought only the best is good enough, so I contacted the Eos Guitar Quartet. The quartet was immediately excited about the idea of collaborating. The four guitarists started to work on the work and invested not only all of their skills, but also their entire heart. In their hands the pieces began to live, learned to walk, were abundantly nourished, were raised steadily and lovingly, and so grew into strong personalities. Now they are ready! 

Thank you Marcel, Michael, David, and Julio.

Eos Guitar Quartet about the composer: Of course, we knew about the compositions by Jürg Kindle for solo guitar. However, we were not aware of his quartets until we made this recording. What we like especially about Jürg Kindle is his versatility and his imagination. In his compositions the options concerning sound that are open to a guitarquartet were used masterfully. Stylistically Jürg Kindle moves between Southamerican and African rhythms and occasionally touches on forms of pop music and musical variants of modern dance; everything is done playfully.

order physical CD / MP3 download

Download CD Booklet

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Order scores (USA, Kanada and all other countrys)


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Youtube Favourites

There are several hundred videos on internet with my works played by ensembles around the globe. Unfortunately I never  received one dollar for copyrights by the copyright companies or by youtube.Nevertheless I like to show you some of my favourite videos.

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1988 Diplom Programm

Dusty Tape


there once was a memory medium called "Music Cassette (MC)". As young persons, we recorded our favourits from the radio or from our longplay vinyl discs. The capacity of the tape was about 90 minutes. I had maybe 20 of these MC's, knowing every track on them. this was in the seventies. In the eighties Sony created the "Walkman". So we were able to listen our MC's wherever we liked. My first recording System was a Sony MC Recorder, a revolution after the Revox A and B Series.

I recently found in my attic a dusty MC tape from the year 1988 entitled "Kirche St.Georgen Diplomprogramm". I had to buy a cassette player to listen to the old tape and I was amazed of the good sound and I thought that I played my diploma-program not bad those days. It must have been the same time I started composing music for guitar.

So here are the digitized tracks for you, hope you enjoy



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